
From 2019 to 2022 I was a faculty member of the Computer Science department at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Not anymore, but who knows what is around the corner.

Research interests

My current research is related to the field of probabilistic programming and Bayesian statistical modelling. In particular, I am interested in defining the kinds of models which can be efficiently represented and reasoned upon by means of probabilistic programming, on one hand, and in application of probabilistic programming to other areas, such as computational health, robotics, or human-computer interaction, on the other hand.


My publications are on Google scholar. Some recent publications on probabilistic programming:

  • Probabilistic programs with stochastic conditioning pmlr, arxiv
  • Deployable probabilistic programming acm, arxiv
  • Design and implementation of probabilistic programming language Anglican acm, arxiv
  • Black-box policy search with probabilistic programs pmlr


Ongoing projects

  • Infergo — a probabilistic programming facility in Go.
  • GoGP — a library on probabilistic programming around Gaussian processes.