
How to Hug a Data Scientist

Sometimes, a data scientist is the first engineer in a software project. More often though a data scientist joins the team when there is working code, ready for deploying or even deployed. Here is how the latter case rolls out: We write a piece of software. Thanks to continous delivery, we fix our bugs quickly and release new improved versions on time. Our code is fully tested, easy to change, and pieces fit each other smoothly.

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On Brain Teasers at Job Interviews

I went to a few job interviews during past weeks. Most interviewers asked me to tell about problems I had solved, and to suggest a solution to a problem they really needed to solve. Some though offered me to solve brain teasers — problems they (or others) invented to test candidates. I solved most, but I felt bad about it. I can imagine many bright candidates who would fail an interview because of brain teasers.

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Offtopia is a non-personal blog of David Tolpin. Alter Ego linkedin | github | google scholar Work PUB+ Contact david.tolpin@gmail.com Legacy Old blog

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